
Wooden Wand and the Sky High Band
Wasteland of the Free
(from the road series vol7)
CDRSkulls of Heaven
Wooden Wand and The Sky High Band
Second Attention
CDKill Rock Stars
Wooden Wand and the Omen Bones Band
Horus of the Horizon
(Modern Containment Series)
 CDThree Lobed Recordings
Wooden Wand / Castanets
Volume Four
 7″ Insound
Wooden Wand Hassara
Backyard vol#3
 CDR self-released
Wooden Wand
Goat General and Other Delusions 6.08.06 + 10.03.05
(from the road series vol4)
CDRSkulls of Heaven
Wooden Wand Hush Arbors Satya Sai
Tour 2006
CDR self-released
Wooden Wand Hassara
Backyard vol#2
 CDR self-released
Wooden Wand
Harem of the Sundrum & The Witness Figg
+ bonus 7″
Time Lag
Wooden Wand
Harem of the Sundrum & The Witness Figg
CDSoft Abuse
Wooden Wand Hassara
Wooden Wand & Satya Sai Baba
Moray Elk Themes
3″ CDR
(reissue with bonus track)
Gold Soundz
Wooden Wand & Satya Sai Baba
Moray Elk Themes
7″ LatheGold Soundz
Wooden Wand
Harem of the Sundrum
Abundant Life 3.16.05
(from the road series vol6)
 CDRSkulls of Heaven
Live in the Pasture 7.16.04
(from the road series vol5)
 CDRSkulls of Heaven
Dead Lecturing 7.20.05
(from the road series vol3)
 CDRSkulls of Heaven
Philosophy of Fuck It 9.28.05
(from the road series vol2)
 CDRSkulls of Heaven
Born Free 6.12.05
(from the road series vol1)
 CDRSkulls of Heaven
Gipsy Freedom2xLP / CD5RC
The Folklore of the Moon vol. X
Full Cold Moon
 3″ CDR Some Dark Holler
The FloodLP / CDTroubleman
Earth and TurfCDRPolyamory
Abundant LifeCSSkullfucking Tapes
XIAOCD reissueTroubleman
XIAOLP reissueDeStijl / Troubleman
Buck Dharmadouble LPTime Lag
Buck DharmaCD5RC
Live At Pasture
cs reissue
Skullfucking Tapes
Night Movesbook(WWVV#6)
l’un marquer contre la moissonneuseCDThree Lobed Recordings
Sunset SleevesLPWeird Forest
Supplication Jam for Brother Greh3″CDRChondritic Sound
Michel’s Portal and Crow Jane Variationscs
Fuckit Tapes
Live At PastureCDR (tour only)23 Productions

Folk Audio Tapes Vol. 1
cassette(WWVV #1)
Town on the Edge of DarknessCDRAudiobot
split with Kasvien YstavatcsPolyamory
Angel HairCDRChocolate Monk
Book of FMcsPolyamory
Totem CDI Hate Records
Zodiacs CDHoly Mountain
Zodiacs CDR self-released
Zodiacs CDR self-released
Vanishing Voice
Nordic Visions
 Oath CDR self-released
Crane/Toth Duo
CDR Polyamory
The Jones Gang
High Eye: Live in Nashville
Heidi Diehl
Old Times / Year of the Stone
VHSPolyamory / WWVV #5
Ego Plummet No Shoes
(virgin eye blood brothers + son of earth + wwvv)
Heircraft Totem September 1-4, 2004csPolyamory
Voice (Crane & Taveniere)cs(WWVV #4)
Vanishing (Crane & Diehl)cs(WWVV #3)
The Diehls Noise at the DiehlsCDR(WWVV #2)
A Cut Above featuring Wooden Wand & Satya Sai Baba
Cemetery of Life
Wooden Wand & Tovah D Day
Bad News Bearers
Wood and Wand (feat. the Rose)
Death Dealer Blues
Gold Leaf Branches
3xCD compilationDigitalis
Wooden Wand & Satya Sai Baba
Crow’s Feet Modifier
Cottage Industrial, Vol.3
CDR compilationHumbug
split with tba
7″Spirit of Orr
Ex Libris
Satya Sai Baba
The Ring of Spells

Heart Liver & Lungs
compilationHeart Liver & Lungs
LibertyAnimal Power Magic
compilationNature Tape Limb